Hope is bornWhat does hope look like to you?

In the moments after Jesus’ birth, no doubt Mary’s heart was full like that of any new mother. But especially so! For there, in a humble manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lay hope! Hope for this little family, hope for a whole nation… even hope for the world.

Interserve Partners help build up local communities and the global church.

Whether overseas or here in Canada, we are committed to serving the peoples of Asia and the Arab world through personal connections and projects that demonstrate this good news. Interserve Partners continue to live and work among refugees, foreigners, and others on the margins of society to share this hope.

This Christmas, will you help bring hope?

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This Christmas, we need to raise more support to ensure the work of reaching the peoples of Asia and the Arab world continues despite rising costs and many obstacles.

StoriesTangible Love that transforms lives and communities.

Caring for and Empowering Women in South Asia

In South Asia, Interserve Partners are working together at a hospital in a rural setting to provide excellent care so that all, especially the poor and vulnerable, may have abundant life. The reach of this free and subsidized medical care for things such as antenatal checkups, delivery and postnatal checkups, has a transforming effect on the women, their babies, their families, and their communities. In these lives that seem steeped in curse there is concrete and meaningful blessing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (See Sweety’s story below)

This hospital has also empowered and trained local women to assist in the areas of community data registration, poverty index calculations, verbal autopsy (maternal or child deaths), as well as basic mental health diagnostics and care. Working in these roles provides them with a small income, but even more importantly it draws them into community with the overall vision, mission and values of this wholistically minded hospital.

We stand in anticipation of what our Lord will do in bringing transformation into the lives of the recipients of the health care, the working women at the front lines of the services, and the hospital staff as they provide the services to meet the needsand, us, we are an integral part of the process.


Sweety's Story

"I am a housewife. My husband works as a day labourer in other people’s fields, but there isn’t work every day. We have no land of our own and are sheltered on other people’s land. It is difficult to sustain our family, especially with our baby due soon. The distance from our home to this rural Hospital is 17 km and there are many difficulties commuting there. With all the travel costs, and fees for tests, medicine and delivery of the baby, my initial plan was to deliver my baby at home. However, after discovering another mother from our area who received the free health care from this rural Hospital in the past, it gave me courage to go. I did my prenatal checkup, an ultrasound, blood, and urine tests, and was given medicine, and they didn’t charge me! My heart was full of joy and peace after getting free medical care, because the thought of these expenses had kept me worried every moment. I was relieved of the tension. It felt like God sent this rural hospital as a blessing to our family."


Make an eternal impactYour giving brings Jesus' Hope to those on the margins

Hope through Faith

Equipping followers of Jesus to live as disciples in their local context.

Hope to Women and Girls

Building peace and helping women and girls overcome abuse.

Hope to Refugees and Newcomers

Sharing the journey with refugees and asylum seekers.

Hope through Healthcare

Providing quality care for people in remote or poor communities.

Hope for a Healthy Environment

Enabling people to live responsibly and care for their environment.

Hope Across Cultures

Helping people step across Culture, Faith and Language.

Hope through Tangible Love

Tackling disadvantage together, compelled by Jesus’ Love.

Hope through Proclamation

Sending workers to proclaim the good news of Jesus to the unreached.

Will you give generously
so Interserve can continue to help bring Jesus' Hope to the world?

Thank you for being a part of the Interserve community, seeking to bring hope, as together we serve those to whom we have been sent.

Help share hope with your generous gift, as we bring Jesus' Hope to those we serve across Asia, Canada and the Arab world.