We help Christians put their faith into action, as they live and work amongst the peoples of Asia and the Arab world, and share God’s love in practical, wholistic ways.

Tap each block below to learn more

Who we are

Vision, Purpose, Calling

Making Jesus Known

To the peoples of Asia and the Arab world
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Information & Instructions

Donate by Mail, Phone, EMT, Online

Details & Directions
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Breakdown of Administrative Costs and Stats

Financial Transparency

How we use our funds

Our History

Founded in 1852

172+ Years

Serving where Jesus is least known
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Our Calling

We embrace the call to join God’s work, and we desire to see:
Lives and communities transformed through encounter with Jesus Christ.

In light of this vision, we come together:
To make Jesus Christ known among the peoples of Asia and the Arab world.

Living this purpose requires focus on:
● Discipleship - Growing as disciples and making disciples.
● Wholistic living - Reflecting Christ in and through all of life.
● Serving the neediest - Addressing barriers that hinder fullness of life.
● The Church - Partnering with communities of Jesus followers so that we all more fully participate in the Kingdom of God.

We work and live together to experience and express our values:
● Community
● Dependence on God
● Integrity
● Oneness in Christ
● Partnership
● Servanthood
● Wholistic

For the glory of God!

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Donation Options

By Mail

To donate by Cash, Cheque, Pre-Authorized Debit or Credit Card, you can mail it to our office along with your Donor Information. Provide us with your Donor Information using one of the forms below or here.

By Phone

Donations and enquiries can be made over the phone during our office hours. We are happy to assist you. You can reach us Toll Free at 1-888-269-1311 or call us at 416-499-7511.

By e-Transfer

Send your Electronic Money Transfer to donor@interservecanada.org and leave your contact info in the memo. To receive your tax receipt, you will need to provide us with your Donor Information here.

Donate Online

Give online with your Credit Card through CanadaHelps. This donation method will incur a small processing fee. Learn more about CanadaHelps' collected fees on donations here.

Donate Online via CanadaHelps

To ensure your donation avoids any fees and goes further, consider giving by pre-authorized debit, cheque, or e-transfer. Please also consider designating your gift towards our Core Ministry Fund. 

If you are a new donor or if you would like to update your donor information,
please select ONE of the options below:

Download & Print Donor Info Form (PDF)
Complete Donor Info Form Online

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Core Ministry Fund

When you give to the Core Ministry Fund, you're not just making a donation—you’re making a lasting impact on some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Your support empowers our Partners as they serve in the hardest-to-reach areas of Asia and the Arab world. By giving to this Ministry Fund, you invest in all our Partners and enable us together to:

Champion the needs of the Unseen Billions

Interserve seeks to spotlight the plight of those in the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu worlds who have no one to show them what it means to follow Jesus. Through media resources, seminars, and apprenticeships, we’re raising awareness and mobilizing the church to step in and meet this challenge.

Disciple Hearts for Mission

Through mediums like conference presentations, workshops, and one-on-one mentoring, we’re inspiring and equipping churches and individuals to join us in prayer and action for these unreached communities. Your gift helps fund the mobilization team that travels far and wide, helping and discipling the next generation of cross-cultural workers as they take their first step into gospel-hearted service.

Guarantee Uninterrupted Support for Our Partners

Interserve promises our Partners that we will support them—whether it’s through financial shortfalls or inflation. This Ministry Fund helps undergird our guarantee, freeing Partners from financial concerns and uncertainty, so they can focus entirely on ministry.

Underwrite Pastoral Care for Partners

Our Partners face incredible challenges in some of the most difficult places in Asia and the Arab world. Your gift provides the pastoral care they need, offering critical support when they need it most.

Provide the Administrative Backbone for Ministry

Interserve carries the burden of tax documentation, donor receipts, insurance forms, prayer letters, and countless other administrative details efficiently and professionally, so our Partners can serve unimpeded and focus on what matters most. Your donation makes this seamless administrative support possible.

Respond Quickly to Urgent Needs

Your generosity allows us to move nimbly and respond to urgent situations and unexpected challenges, bringing help and hope to the field where it is needed most.

By giving to the Core Ministry Fund, you’re not just supporting our Partners—you’re becoming a vital part of their mission. Together, we can bring transformation to the peoples of Asia and the Arab world. Designate your next donation to this Ministry Fund.

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Our Story

The story began in 1852, when a group of women decided to put their faith into action. Motivated by God's compassion and love, they traveled to South Asia with their professional skills as nurses, to live and work among those without access to the Gospel. These women sparked a movement of ordinary Christians stepping out in faith to live wholistically and share the message and hope of Jesus.

More than 172 years later, this movement of Love in Action continues through Interserve. Today, with over 800 Partners from more than 15 National Offices worldwide, we serve those in need with the skills and experiences we've been given. We live and work alongside the peoples of Asia and the Arab World, both locally and abroad.

In partnership with the local church, we tackle marginalization and disadvantage. Together, we cultivate tangible Love that transforms lives and communities.

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